Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 6

Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 6

 “Enchanted Forest” is the sixth episode of the first season of Smiling Friends.


Pim and Charlie are invited by the princess to the mysterious Enchanted Forest and meet all sorts of crazy characters along the way.



Alan and Glep play a loud video game, which upsets Charlie because the construction workers outside his house are ruining his sleep and giving him a headache. However, he is interrupted by two fairy messengers who declare that the princess of the Enchanted Forest cannot smile because of the royal effigy and that she needs their help. Pim enthusiastically agrees to help, as he’s always wanted to visit the forest, while Charlie, wanting to finish the job with as little distraction as possible, refuses to give them help from a centaur, a goblin, an elf from an endangered tribe, and an alien—which Charlie points out isn’t even fantasy. Pim then tells Charlie that he has to do at least one quest, saying that he always wanted to visit the forest, but his father forbade him because only heroes were allowed to enter, before Pim kisses him on the mouth. Charlie’s hat is then stolen by a witch, prompting Pim to exclaim that they can go on a WitchQuest and get some witch gems. The witch then asks Pim which hand the hat is in, but she apparently switches which hand the hat is in before knocking them over with magic dust.

When the two wake up, they find themselves much further away from the princess’s castle, much to Charlie’s frustration. As the witch is about to eat them, a forest folk named Mip appears and chases the witch away with a wooden crucifix before saving Charlie and Pim, saying that “everyone knows you should never do a witch quest.” When Pim tells Mip that they are there to visit the princess, Mip reveals that they share the same goal and leads them both towards the castle. Along the way, he reveals that his quest is to find a hero worthy of delivering a handmade package to the princess, but he can’t find anyone and isn’t inspired to play his lute. Charlie winces in pain from the lute when Mip offers a cure for his headache in the form of a potion that seems to cure the headache and leads to Mip gaining Charlie’s trust. The trio then stumble upon a tree with a giant thorn in its flesh, and while Pim assumes it’s meant to be a puzzle, Charlie suggests they remove the thorn, which works, removing the tree’s pain.

Mip then breaks into song, with a montage showing off all of Charlie’s adventurous exploits, while Pim becomes increasingly jealous of Charlie and Mip, culminating in Charlie actually helping the aliens from earlier by negotiating peace with the spiders. The trio then decide to set up camp right at the foot of the castle, much to Pim’s annoyance. Mip runs away after Pim’s outburst, and when Charlie goes to check on him, he reveals that Charlie was the hero destined to deliver the package. The two almost share an intimate moment before separating for the night. Pim’s form shifts into something similar to Gollum as he now believes that Charlie has been deliberately making him jealous ever since Mip joined them. He then tries to rip the wooden box from Mip so he can complete the task himself, but Charlie wakes up and tries to stop Pim. The resulting melee knocks the box into the newly awakened Mip, pinning him onto a nearby spear. Pim immediately returns to normal, feeling guilty for causing Mipa’s death, but the forest folk apologize for neglecting Pim and assign him the role of box deliverer. However, as he dies, Mip turns into a monstrous puddle. Pim and Charlie apologize for getting carried away, but agree to complete the task.

Arriving at the castle, the two introduce themselves to the princess before Pim reveals the box, saying that it is from Mipo and that he died on the way to give it to her. The princess pauses and explains that Mip was the whole reason she wasn’t smiling; Mip was her stalker and his obsession grew to the point where she had to move twice. Carefully opening the box, it was revealed that it was actually a time bomb, prompting her to throw it out of the castle window. However, when she remembers that Pim said that Mip died during the journey, she is finally able to smile again.

A post-credits scene shows Charlie sick, turning green and covered in infected, dirty lumps. Alan suggests getting help, and Pim believes it was probably the effect of the potion Charlie drank to cure his headache, but the two refuse, saying it’s just an allergy.


Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 6 Transcript

[play intro]
[Laughing friends are shown in an office, Alan and Glep are playing a fighting video game on a console that resembles a Nintendo 64, Pim is on a laptop, Charlie has a headache.]
Alan: How is that even fair? You’re just pushing buttons, Glep. There is no skill for it.
[Glep mumbles]
Charlie: Hey, can you turn it down? I just have a little headache.
Alan: I’m sorry.
[Alan turns down the volume of the video game. One of the characters in the fighting game screams.]
Charlie: No, no, that’s—that’s good, that’s fine. It’s just that these guys started building at my place at 6:00 AM.
[Two fairies fly into the office and one of them rings the horn. Everyone looks at these fairies.]
Charlie: Oh! That was right in my ear, dude!
Fairies: We officially deliver a royal decree from the princess of the enchanted forest. She couldn’t help but smile for the royal portrait. And he needs your help.
Pim: An enchanted forest? Oh my god. I love the Enchanted Forest!
Charlie: My ears are still ringing from the noise.
[The scene switches to the Smiling Friends logo with the Enchanted Forest letters placed below, and Mr. Boss’s head also appears and blows it away.]
[The scene pans down to the Enchanted Forest. Pim and Charlie walk through the titular Enchanted Forest.]
Pim: Well, Charlie, you’re going to like this place. There is so much you can do.
Charlie: Look, Pim, the castle is right there. Okay, so let’s get this job done with as few distractions as possible.
Centaur: [Comes out of the tree.] Greetings. I am in dire need of travelers who might be interested in searching.
Charlie: No.
Jacob: [jumps out of the bushes] Gob-lago. If you want this goblin to reveal his guard, you simply need to get the amulet.
Charlie: No.
Elf: Hello. If my tribe is to survive the winter, I will need 15 boar skins from-
Charlie: No.
[alien growl]
Charlie: Okay, dude. It wasn’t even a fantasy. It’s just an alien, Pim.
Pim: Come on, Charlie. Let’s do just one quest. I always wanted to, but I was never allowed to.
[Cut to a younger Pim holding hands with his father at the gate and entrance to the Enchanted Forest. A wizard and a goblin are shown in the titular Enchanted Forest.]
Young Pim: [breathes] Dad, Dad, we can go inside. And do an epic quest with those mythical creatures?
Steven: No, Pim. The Enchanted Forest is not for children. It is only for heroes with unrelenting commitment, bravery and wisdom. Maybe one day.
Young Pim: Oh, I love you, Dad.
[Pim and his father kiss on the lips. The scene cuts to a younger Pim and a goblin in the distance watching. Cut to the present.]
Pim: Oh, after all these years I can’t believe I’m finally here.
Charlie: Can you kiss your father on the mouth?
[The witch flies in the air and screams]
[The witch takes off Charlie’s hat.]
Charlie: What was that?
Pim: Oh, it must be the witch hunt. We can return your hat and maybe even win some wizard gems.
[Pim runs into the bushes. Charlie follows him.]
[Pim and Charlie emerge from the bushes.]
Witch: Which hand of the witch will it be?
[Witch laughs]
Charlie: That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.
Pim: Oh, the one?
Witch: Wrong.
[Witch laughs]
Charlie: They can’t be allowed. That’s – how is that fair? How is that even fair?
[The witch sprinkles them with purple dust.]
[Scene cuts to Pim and Charlie sleeping in the cave.]
[Charlie and Pim wake up.]
Charlie: [groans] Where are we?
Pim: Did I pick the wrong hand?
[Pim and Charlie see the Enchanted Forest and the princess’s castle in the distance from the view of the cave.]
Charlie: Oh, we’ve been there, man!
[Pim and Charlie are revealed to have been tied up in a pot by the witch.]
Witch: Don’t worry, you’ll die soon.
[The witch uses a knife to cut an onion.]
Charlie: She’s actually pretty good at it.
Pim: Yeah, she’s good.
[Mip suddenly appears]
Mip: Back, away with you, you disgusting rotten thing.
[The witch yells at Mipa and flies away from the cave.]
Charlie: Thanks man. You saved us.
Mip: No worries. It’s called Mip. You two critters can’t be out of here. Everyone knows you would never do a witch quest.
[Pim groans at him.]
Mip: What brings you to the Enchanted Forest anyway?
[Pim and Charlie come out of the pot.]
Pim: We were on our way to the castle to cheer up the princess. Our job is to make people laugh.
Mip: Princess? How weird? I’m looking for a princess myself. You can join me if you want.
Charlie: Yeah, sure.
Pim: Yeah, sure.
Mip: Oh, wonderful. Follow Mipa.
[Charlie and Pim leave with Mip.]
[Mip, Charlie and Pim walk through the Enchanted Forest together. You’ll encounter several small creatures along the way.]
Charlie: So, why are you seeing the princess?
Mip: Ah, Mip has only one task – to find a hero worthy enough to deliver this package to the princess, Mip created it himself, as we forest people do all things.
Charlie: Wait, so you’re telling me you did the damn thing on your back?
Mip: [Takes his wooden ukulele off his back] Oh, this? Yes. But unfortunately, Mip was not inspired enough to use it for many months.
[Mip strums one of the ukulele chords.]
Charlie: Sorry, Mike. I’ve got quite the headache, man. It’s okay if you can’t-
Mip: If you have a headache, the headache can cure you. Drink this, yellow.
Pim: [Stops Charlie from drinking the potion] Charlie, we don’t know who this guy is. Are you sure we can trust him?
Charlie: Pim, this is Mip we’re talking about. [Drinks the green potion, swallows it and smacks her lips] Ah. Well, my head is completely gone. Mip the rocks!
Pim: Yeah, Mip rocks!
[groan of tree]
[The next scene shows the Tree Monster in pain with a thorn killing him.]
Mip: Oh dear. The forest creature is in trouble.
Fairies: Help, help. The thorn kills him.
Pim: Oh, I know what it is. it’s a puzzle. Hmm, we’ll see. Maybe we need to figure out what the thorn represents metaphorically and then-
Charlie: Instead of trying to take it out?
[Mip and the fairies look at the thorn tree.]
Mip: [Takes a thorn out of the tree.] It came out, just like you said.
Fairies: Oh! Ohhh!
Mip: Charlie, how did you know how to do that? You must be a hero.
Fairies: Oh! Ah!
Charlie: Yeah, you know, when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense.
[The other fairies head towards Charlie.]
Fairies: You’re Charlie. You are Charlie. Charlie the hero.
Fairy: Oh!
Pim: I really thought it was going to be a puzzle.
Mip: It’s okay, Pim. There are plenty of other quests along the way.
Tree: [Reveals he has a sword.] Hero.
Mip: Charlie, your heroism inspires me. [Charlie grabs the tree sword.] I can feel the song coming.
[Mip pulls out his wooden ukulele again to sing a song.]
[Strums ukulele chords.]
[The scene cuts to a montage of Charlie and Mip traveling through an enchanted forest while Mip sings a song.]
Mip’s Song: This is the story of the hero Charlie. [The scene shows Charlie cutting through tree trunks with a sword. Also followed by Mip. He cuts the net to free the mermaid. He hands him the knight’s boots made of a giant clam, while Pim continues to be jealous.] He fought the beasts and evil that dwelled on earth. [Charlie walks along the lava for a moment followed by Mip and Pim on a wooden raft. He uses his sword to get carried away by the lava.] Pim was there too, I think, but Charlie was the main one. [Charlie is shown pushing and throwing a large pile of treasure onto the sleeping dragon, who is also killed by the large treasure in the process. Charlie also grabs one of the dragon’s scales and uses it as a shield. Pim is jealous again.] He was a great hero and we all loved him so much. Charlie was a hero and I think Pim was there too. [The following scene shows several heroes turned to stone. Charlie, jealous Pim and Mip are shown in the area with these soldiers. Medusa emerges from the castle to turn Charlie, Pim and Mipo to stone. Charlie and Mip see this as the former uses his shield to avoid looking at Medusa. He closes his eyes. Medusa’s rays hit Charlie’s dragon shield. The jellyfish then explodes from its rays. Two fairies are also freed in the process. Charlie is then rewarded with armor from female fairies and two gnomes.] [The scene ends with a shot of a very jealous Pim.]
[Scene shows crowds of aliens and spiders seeing an alien king holding a crown to honor Charlie in knightly attire.]
Alien: For ending the thousand-year war between Aliens and Spiders. You have demonstrated unwavering devotion, bravery and wisdom. We humbly give you the crown of Zimblar.
[Aliens and spiders cheer and clap.]
[Jealous Pim is shown behind the rocks.]
Pim: I thought you said the Aliens weren’t fantasy, Charlie.
Charlie: Oh, yeah. I don’t know. I would call it science fiction/fantasy.
[The scene shows the princess’s castle depicted on top of a large mountain with stairs.]
Charlie: Man, I’m beat for wearing all this shit all day.
Mip: [sighs] Just like Mip. We will set up camp and gather strength for tomorrow.
Pim: But the castle is right there, Charlie.
Charlie: Dude, how are you not tired? We searched all day.
Pim: No, you’ve been looking all day.
Charlie: Just having a little fun, man. Relax.
Mip: Oh, Mip just hates nasty fights.
[Mip runs off.]
Charlie: Look what you did, man. You scared Mipo.
[A jealous Pim growls at him.]
[Charlie sees Mipa with a stick by the campfire.]
Charlie: [Walks over to the campfire.] Sorry for all the silly business, Mip.
Mip: Mip hopes he didn’t cause it.
Charlie: No, you’re awesome, man. We wouldn’t have gotten this far without you.
[Charlie places his sword and dragon shield on the ground.]
Mip: Charlie, I think I’ve found a hero worthy of delivering my gift.
Charlie: Who?
Mip: [Points thumb at screen.] It’s you, Charlie.
Charlie: Mike, I’d be honored.
Mip: No, I am one who is honored to be in the presence of such a hero.
Charlie: Well, maybe it was your song that helped me become a hero.
Mip: Well, maybe I like it. Ah! Mip is getting pretty sleepy. Maybe we should rest.
Charlie: Yeah. [Gloop] Yeah, yeah. Good idea. Good night, mip.
[Scene switches to fire. This fire is extinguished in the next scene.]
[Howling is heard in the distance.]
[A Gollum-like Pim is shown behind a tree, while in the distance Charlie and Mip sleep.]
Pim: What’s going on here? Charlie knows how much I loved the Enchanted Forest. Is he doing it on purpose? It’s like I don’t even exist since Mip came. Meep.
[Pim tries to grab a small package from a sleeping Mip.]
[Charlie wakes up.]
Charlie: [groaning] Pim, what are you doing?
Pim: Charlie, you don’t even like the Enchanted Forest.
Charlie: That’s not yours, dude.
Pim: I deserve something. [Grabs the package.] Y-You have to enjoy all the fun. [Speaks in an evil voice] Now I’m going to deliver this package. And do the last task.
Charlie: You’re weird, man. Let it be.
[An awakened Mip is shown behind the two.]
Mip: Please be very careful with his creation.
Pim: I earned it. I earned it.
[Pim screams]
[The package flies out of Pim and Charlie’s hands and hits Mip right in the eyes and spear. Blood spurts from Mipo when impaled by said spear.]
Meep: Oh!
[Pim and Charlie look on.]
Charlie: Beep!
Pim: [Transforms back to his normal form and speaks in his normal voice] Oh, my god.
[A impaled Mip is shown.]
Pim: Mip, I’m so sorry.
Mip: No, don’t worry, Pim. maybe you are right. Maybe it was your quest all along. Please deliver it for me to the princess. You could have told her it was from you. I–I’ll give you my one and only task.
Pim: Just hold on to me, Mip. you will be fine
Mip: I never wanted to interfere with such a wonderful friendship. Mip is getting cold. Mip goes into the light. Mip disappears.
Pim: Just try to relax.
Charlie: It’s okay. Go into the light.
[Mip screams and dissolves into a pile of mud.]
Charlie: Holy shit. I don’t always expect that.
Pim: Yeah, that really freaked me out. I’m sorry I got all worked up back there, Charlie.
Charlie: No, I got carried away with all the questing crap too. I’m stuck in a vicious dopamine cycle. Want to finish the last one together?
Pim: Yeah, for Mipo.
[The next scene shows Pim and Charlie heading to the princess’s castle.]
[Birds chirping and wind blowing are heard]
[They knock on the door and enter the castle.]
[The Princess of the Enchanted Forest is shown sitting on her throne.]
Princess: Hello. How can I help you?
Charlie: Hi. We are Smiling Friends and we were sent here to help you smile for your portrait.
Princess: Oh, great. Yes, I haven’t been able to smile for a while now.
Pim: Before we help with that, we have something for you.
[Pim gives the princess a wooden package.]
Princess: Oh, wow. Thanks. Is that from you?
Pim: No, actually it’s from a good man, a forest folk named Mip, who unfortunately died on his way here.
Princess: Did you just say Mip?
Pim: Yeah.
Charlie: Yeah, Mike. Yeah.
Princess: Oh my god.
Pim: Did you know him?
Princess: He was the whole reason I couldn’t smile for my portrait. He’s my stalker.
Charlie: What?
Pim: Are you kidding me?
Princess: No, seriously. I blocked him from everything and had to move twice because of him. So what’s in the package?
Charlie: I–I don’t know.
Pim: I have no idea.
[The princess opens a wooden package to reveal a time pipe bomb inside.]
[pipe bomb beeps]
[The princess screams and throws a bomb at the window.]
[A bomb explodes outside the window.]
Charlie: Oh my god!

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