Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 27

 “Together Alone” is the 27th episode of the fifth season of Steven Universe, the 155th episode overall, and the third episode of the Diamond Days event.

Official synopsis

Steven throws a party to bring his family together.[2]


The episode begins with Steven having a dream about the past of his mother’s memories, in which as Pink Diamond and Pink Pearl, almost identical to White Diamond except for having pink hair and eyes, no cracked eye and a playful personality, they are playing together. in his mother’s room in her palace. Steven stands on a bubble as he juggles the bubbles with various random objects inside, jumps, lands and kisses as Pink Pearl applause. Hearing the yellow diamond open the door, they returned to their seats as three mirrored vanities appeared. Yellow, only with a very long neck and head stretched into the room, a two-act paramedic, and when she leaves, they start laughing. Steven begins to cough out Rose’s hair as the dream fades into a black void with purple floors in which Pink Pearl is pulled away from him. The bubble bursts as the dream door to White Diamond’s ship opens, with White Diamond watching him while smiling, and he then vomits on Rose’s hair, waking her up. In the morning, Gems and Connie are with him in Pink Diamond’s room, while Pebbles spends the night making furniture, so it resembles Steven’s house on Earth. Steven then goes with Pearl to Blue and Yellow Diamond in the throne room for a meeting about White and asks to plan a ball to unite the Homeworld and possibly get White Diamond to attend and to get help healing the damaged gems. Blue and Yellow Diamond agree to this plan to talk to White to heal all the damaged gems and then give Steven their pearls so he can start planning the ball.


Steven requests things like balloons and confetti, but Yellow Pearl says that such things are not allowed. She explains what will happen at the prom and what Steven can’t. Steven then introduces the Pearls to the concept of “fun”, revealing that Blue Pearl likes to draw and Yellow Pearl likes to model. Blue Diamond then enters the room and tells Steven that he isn’t going to, asking him that he will look like in this form and the gems and Connie can’t enter. However, Steven insists and Blue allows it, but he can only have Connie, Pearl and Amethyst (if she wears Limb Enhancers) and Garnet at the prom, then Blue felt surprised that the combination of Ruby and Sapphire is called Garnet, and have the other garnets at the prom : Demantoids, Hessonites, Pyropes. She will have to melt into Ruby and Sapphire. Garnet resists, but in the end, as seen during the ball, he complies.

The ball begins and Steven is shown greeting the gems that come to him, even taking some extra time for Amethyst with her new limb boosters. Yellow and Blue Diamond appear when they are presented with their pearls. White Pearl appears and is shown to be representing White Diamond, but instead reports that White Diamond is busy with other matters and will be watching the ball in her place. Steven becomes upset that White didn’t participate until Connie asks him to the dance. They begin to dance, much to the surprise of all the Gems present, but bond with Stevonnie and only notice when Yellow Diamond points it out.

Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond are furious and Blue tells them to melt. But instead, Ruby and Sapphire fuse into Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst with Opal, and the two Jades (who fuse with Lemon Jade) stand with Stevonnie. Yellow Diamond angrily puffs Lemon Jade, Opal and Garnet. Yellow grabs Stevonnie and throws them into a room to think about what they did.

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