Steven Universe Season 5 Episode 26

 “Familiar” is the 26th episode of the fifth season of Steven Universe, the 154th episode overall, and the second episode of the Diamond Days event.

Official synopsis

With many changes happening in his life, Steven struggles to find his place in the world.[2]


Steven picks up where the last episode left off, looking at White’s ship and walking around Pink Diamond’s room. He wished he had a bed to sleep on, only to find that the bed was immediately made for him. Looking down, he notices some very shy Pebble Gems. Once Steven thanks Pebbles, they recognize him as Pink Diamond and excitedly crawl over him. Pearl then enters the room with Steven’s bag and explains that Garnet, Amethyst, and Connie are still on the Pink Diamond ship. He hears the diamond ring and Pearl knows that Yellow Pearl has arrived and enters to summon Steven to the Yellow Diamond extraction chamber.


Pearl informs Steven that he’ll be better off in suitcases than jeans. In the corridor leading to Yellow’s extraction chamber, Steven notices that the walls are actually alive and attempts to communicate with them. Steven tries to get Yellow Pearl to recognize him as just ‘Steven’, to which she calls him ‘Pink Steven’. This goes on for a few more seconds and ends with Steven asking her to call him ‘Pink Lasagna’ before finally entering Yellow’s extraction chamber.

Yellow Diamond tells Steven as Pink Diamond to sit down. He goes on to ask how the meeting with White Diamond went. Steven replies how he only managed to get a few words out, to which Yellow replies that two and a half words is the record when it comes to talking to White. Steven then mentions that two and a half words won’t be enough to convince White Diamond to help cure the corruption. Yellow wishes Steven luck and then explains how White isolated herself in her head and almost never let anyone in, and then laments how through hundreds of successful colonies she never got to White while Steven only saw her due to her inability to run one. Steven then comments on how Yellow might just fail if she wanted to see White, causing her to burst out laughing and comment on how Pink was always so good at making her laugh. The bell rings and Yellow excuses herself to turn off the sauna and check the latest news on Citrine production. Steven tries to get a few questions out before Yellow leaves without answering. As Steven still stands there stunned, Diamond’s sound is heard again and Blue Pearl informs Steven that Blue Diamond requested Pink’s presence.

Going to Blue’s pool room, Steven tells Pearl how he and Yellow barely spoke about White before she rushed to report, and says that he understands that they must be busy and that he needs more time to talk to her. that he should have asked her what she was up to after the news. Pearl then explains that when Yellow is not overseeing gem production in her colonies, she is leading her army to occupy other colonies. Steven asks if the Diamonds have any days off before Blue Pearl informs them that Blue is expecting them. As Steven waits, he looks around and sees the mural statue’s eyes blinking.

Pearl informs Steven that Blue is just up the stairs and that she will wait for him. Steven says he’ll be back in a minute and runs to meet Blue. The blue pearl says, “Welcome back.” to Pearl before the camera cuts back to Steven. Comby (a comb-shaped gem) is heard singing before Blue acknowledges Stevens’ presence. Blue sees Steven and invites him into the water with her, which Steven sees as an invitation to return to the water.

Steven felt funny that he lives near the ocean and yet goes space swimming, to which Blue laughs and says that Pink hasn’t changed. He then elaborates on how Steven is still just as stupid and small as Pink. Steven comments that he’s not done yet, but doubts he’ll ever be as big as Blue and Yellow. Blue says how nice it is to have Steven back, specifically calling him ‘Steven’, causing Steven to get excited that Blue may be starting to understand who he is. Blue then mentions that ‘Steven’ and ‘Steee-von’ are such a funny sounding name and comments on Pink’s creativity for coming up with that, causing his excitement to subside. Blue then asks Steven when she had Pink name the batch of pyrite ‘Fools Gold’ and that it pissed off White. Steven claims he doesn’t remember. Blue then asks if she remembers the game Pink used to play where she dived to the bottom and sang while Blue, Yellow and White tried to guess the song from the water. Steven asks if they can do it right now, to which Blue replies that they stopped going to the Chamber together after Pink left, and that her departure was the start of Era 2 and that none of the remaining Diamonds wanted to be there. with an empty space Pink. Steven says that despite the other diamonds having responsibilities in running their colonies, they should try to spend more time together. The bell rings and Blue Pearl announces that Blue has an upcoming meeting. Steven says he wanted to talk to Blue about White and she says they can talk about it later. The pool drains as Blue leaves, then Steven calls out to Pearl because he’s got water running up his nose and Pearl says ‘Oh dear’ in surprise and pulls on the string to get Steven out.

They love her but leave her…

At night, Steven is seen drying off in Pink’s room, saying that everything that happened at that moment was weird, and asks if it was a spa day or what, and what purpose Pink had on Homeworld. Pearl replies that Pink was throwing massive balls before she got her first colony. Steven misunderstands and interprets that Pink was a juggler. Pearl replies that while she was juggling, she also threw massive success parties for the other diamonds, attended by every gem from all the courts, just to have a chance to see all four diamonds shine at once. Steven asks how White would participate as well. Pearl confirms this and thinks about the rest of Pink’s court, reminding her of something, prompting her to apologize and state that she will be back. Steven wonders where he would even go. Wondering if he accepted the role simply to be Pink, Steven questions Pebbles about who Pink was, breaking into a duet with Pebbles and singing the title song: Familiar. Pebbles came in Steven’s bag and checked his stuff. He came to Pink’s moving pillar corridor and looked at his mother’s holographic drawings. Then a drop of Steven’s sweat[3] falls on the Pebble Display and creates a sentient Pebble. There, the drawings of White, Yellow, and Blue Diamond pass together, then another shows a single drop of Pink’s sweat directly above two pebbles, indicating how

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